The Joint Research Centre offers new Research Fellowships

In order to increase and reinforce the European Commission’s scientific capacity in all of its areas of involvement in the Research and Technological Development Framework Programmes, and to encourage young scientists to enhance their experience in an international, multicultural and multidisciplinary environment, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is launching a call for interest for PhD and Post-Doctoral fellowships.

The minimum duration of the grants is six months and the maximum is three years for PhD and two years for Post-Doctoral fellowships.

In the case of PhD grants, applicants must be in possession of a university degree and for post-doctoral grants they must hold a PhD, or have at least four years full-time research experience at post-graduate level other than doctoral studies. It is envisaged that contracts will be signed on or before December 31, 2002.

The call is open to young scientists, not older than 35 years of age, from EU Member States, or those states associated to the European Community Framework Programme on Research and Technological Development and to the Euratom Framework Programme for Research and Training Activities, or residing in the Community for at least five years.

The required scientific profiles and deadlines for application can be found on the Institutes’ web pages. Please, follow the links below to obtain detailed information for the different Institutes. Note that there may not always be an open call for each Institute.

Please carefully read full candidate’s and project’s eligibility criteria for grants before applying. All eligibility criteria must be fulfilled at the date of reference (deadline for applications). Candidates must complete and sign the application form and send it by post within the date (as shown by the postmark) specified by the Institute to the Institute contact point responsible for the area of activity in question. Only applications using this form can be accepted. You can download the application form (download: pdf, Word). Applications are only valid for one specific call. You may not refer to documents or applications submitted previously. None of the papers in the application file will be returned.

The Commission is an equal opportunities employer and particularly welcomes applications from women.

Media Contact

Berta DUANE alphagalileo

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