The Power of Intuition

The best decisions arrive not only from analytical considerations. Current research findings emphasise the characteristic influence of emotional aspects on our decisions. And there is more: With decisions in complex situations gut instinct and intuition lead to significantly better results than pure analytical considerations.

Due to this fact, the second “International Conference on Individual Constructs in Management and Organisation: IC-MORe 2008” focuses on new findings of how to measure intuitions in the entrepreneurial practice. On 14 and 15 November 2008 international scientists and practitioners will gather on the new media campus Villa Ida in Leipzig, Germany. Objective of the conference is to combine both academic and practical expertise in intuition and personality research in the field of management and organisations.

Within the three themes management, personnel and marketing current research findings will be presented and practical approaches discussed. The keynote address by Richard Bell (methodological expert at the University of Melbourne, Australia) will open the conference by talking about the historical hurdles when measuring and understanding personal constructs and individual thoughts. Thomas Landschof, global player and management consultant in Hamburg, Germany, will speak on challenges and possibilities offered by an ever-increasing international network of companies. Until 15 September 2008 it is still possible to submit further research contributions and practical reports.

The conference will be organised by Prof. Dr. Rainhart Lang (Chemnitz University of Technology, Chair of Organisation and Ergonomics), Prof. Dr. Helge Löbler (University of Leipzig , Chair of Business Economics, particularly Marketing) and Dr. Matthias Rosenberger (elements and constructs GmbH Leipzig).

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Mario Steinebach idw

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