Novel Method for the Creation of Autostereoscopic Images


Lenticular images are 3 dimensional autostereoscopic images that can be seen directly without any optical aids. To date those images are produced by dividing numerous pictures in stripes, mixing those stripes in a defined way and then presenting them through a lenticular grid (Interlace method). Unfortunately this method provides only a limited 3D- effect for the efficient viewing angle is very small. Furthermore images produced by the Interlace method have often a poor image quality. <br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> To overcome those disadvantages, we offer a new technology for fabrication 3D autostereoscopic images. The new procedure – Virtual Lenticular Rendering (VLR) – for fabrication of 3D-Images creates photographs (Parallax-Panoramagram) directly by only one rendering step based on radiation pattern construction. Therefore a virtual lenticular grid is created by computer and attached with a synchronized refraction index. This allows generating the specific illustration elements and their exact position as well as the concrete surface texture in an enhanced way.<br><br> </strong><strong>Benefits</strong><br> <ul> <li>Procedure is independent from lenticular grid size and lense shape</li> <li>Enhanced 3 dimensional illustration</li> <li>Possibility to use novel lenticular grid</li> <li>Creation of lenticular images in high quality in only one rendering step by computer</li> </ul><br> </strong><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> German Patent Application DE102008025103A1<br> European Patent Application EP2297970A2<br> US Patent Application US2011141107A1<br><br> <strong>Origin</strong><br> The technology was developed at the Technische Universität Berlin.<br><br>

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