Terabit Optical Burst Sampling – Method and Design for Single-shot Optical Sampling


The characterization of a single laser pulse in real-time is of great interest. Here, the difficulty of detection originates from the required resolution in time (about a factor of ten higher than the measuring pulse). This concerns not only the sampling resolution but the sampling rate as well.<br><br> The invention allows single-shot laser pulse characterization with a time resolution in the THz regime. It consists of a laser system that provides the sampling pulse, an optical element (e.g. non-linear crystal) which generates the measuring signal through superposition of the sampling pulse and the measuring pulse, and a third element for the detection.<br><br> The method based on the transformation of the problem from the time domain into the spectral domain. The sampling laser is a laser system which provides light pulses that have different wavelengths at different time. With an optical element (e.g. grating) it is possible to seperate the wavelength components in space. Therefore, the detection of the sampling points with minimal spatial distance is possible without any problem. This means, every spectral component can be assigned to a distinct time. <br><br> This single-shot optical sampling offers a resolution in the femtosecond time domain.<br><br> <strong>Benefits</strong><br> <ul> <li>High time resolution (THz regime)</li> <li>Single-shot characterization</li> </ul><br> <strong>IP Rights</strong><br> German Patent DE 10 2006 045 835<br> <br> <strong>Origin</strong><br> Technische Universität Berlin, Germany</p>

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