Technology barometer developed in Finland to measure the technological-scientific state of a country

On commission by the Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a globally unique technology barometer, or economic barometer, that measures the state of technological and scientific expertise in a given country. VTT collected comparable measurement data from seven countries. Taking into account all of the 12 indicators included on the barometer, Finland holds second position in country-specific analysis after Sweden.

The technology barometer is an indicator similar to an economic barometer that describes the long-term development of expertise. The technology barometer comprises 12 indicators that provide an index-type key value that measures the state of technology at a given time. The results can be monitored and compared by carrying out measurements at different times.

This was the first implementation of the technology barometer. The purpose of the technology barometer is to provide a tool for developing and aligning technologies, competencies and resources. These solutions will be crucial to competitive capacity in the future. They will serve as cornerstones for Finland’s well-being and position at the leading edge of international competition.

The technology barometer is based on models depicting the development of society that see us evolving from information society through knowledge society towards knowledge value society. The barometer data thus illustrate a transitional phase and provide an overall image of how far we have come in our journey towards knowledge value society. In the long term, the various barometer data will demonstrate the realised development.

Data collected from other countries allows comparisons to be made with Finland with regard to the development of the different stages of society. The countries included in the comparison are the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden, Germany and the USA.

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Mika Naumanen alfa

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