Research into alternatives to animal experimentation (Reduction, Replacement and Refinement)
Conference, Charlemagne building, Brussels 9-10 July 2002
The European Commission is organising a conference on research into alternative methods to animal testing and experimentation. It aims to assess the latest scientific advances and policy developments to reduce, replace and refine animal testing. The conference will be opened by EU Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin. It will take stock of science, legislation, and regulation in this field, including the possibilities offered by genomics and other recently developed scientific tools. It will also address the growing ethical considerations and public concern advocating for the limitation of animal experimentation and testing.
The conference is open to the media and a press conference will take place at 13:00 on Tuesday 9th July.
Reducing the use of animal experimentation has been an objective of the European Union for two decades. The Directive on the protection of animals used for experimental and scientific purposes (86/609/EEC), the funding of research projects on alternative methods by successive Framework Programmes and the establishment of the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) in 1991 have contributed towards this objective.
The conference programme is available online at: Background information and the Commissions research activities is also provided online.
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