Improving environmental monitoring: European Commission launches new research network

WHEN? Friday, 5 July 2002, 10:00 – 11:00

WHERE? CLORA premises, 47 rue Montoyer, Brussels

WHAT? Launch of METROPOLIS Network

On 5 July, 2002, Mr Philippe Busquin, EU Research Commissioner, and Mrs Margot Wallström, European Commissioner for the Environment, will jointly launch the METROPOLIS Network, which brings together scientific institutes, universities and enterprises across Europe to monitor the environment.

METROPOLIS is an innovative approach, funded by the EU’s Fifth Research Framework Programme, to fostger stronger co-operation at EU level in monitoring the environment. A total of 38 institutes, universities, and enterprises from 17 countries – including CEN, the European Standards Organisation, and two Institutes of the Commission’s Joint Research Centre – will co-operate during the 24-month project. The network intends to work closely with the Commission in designing and implementing sustainable development policies.

The programme:

10:00 Welcome and introduction
Jack Metthey, Director, DG Research, European Commission
10:10 Address by Mrs. Wallström, European Commissioner for Environment
10:20 Address by Mr. Busquin, European Commissioner for Research
10:30 Press conference
11:00 Presentation of METROPOLIS

Dialogue and interviews: Philippe Busquin, European Commissioner for Research, and Margot Wallström, European Commissioner for Environment, will be available to answer questions on what Europe is currently doing to preserve the environment and promote clean technologies, and will talk about future plans and prospects.

Media Contact

Fabio Fabbi Europäische Kommission

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