ISPIM Conference 2005: The Role of Knowledge in Innovation Management

The 2005 ISPIM Conference “The Role of Knowledge in Innovation Management” will be held in Porto, Portugal on 19-22 June 2005. It will be organised and hosted by INESC Porto. Academic papers and practitioner presentations will be included in the conference programme. The deadline for paper abstracts and presentation outlines is 15 January 2005.

If you would like to contact the conference organisers regarding speaking or sponsorship opportunities, please email

The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) is a worldwide network of academics, business leaders, consultants (A, B, C) and other professionals involved in Innovation Management.

ISPIM’s goals are to create a worldwide network of excellence in the field of innovation management, to enhance collaboration between its members and to be at the forefront of research on innovation.

ISPIM achieves this via its international conferences and regional events, journal publications, collaborative research projects and other member services.

Media Contact

Iain Bitran ISPIM

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