Stella OR light with integrated camera

Efficient device management in the OR means as many integrated system solutions as possible with as few single devices as necessary. The Stella OR light with a camera integrated in the handle is one such space-saving solution. There is no need for an additional extension arm to suspend an external camera. The camera module is flexible and can be inter-exchanged within other operating rooms. In the future, existing Stella Medview OR lights can be retrofitted to accommodate this module.

The integrated camera remains pinpointed on the operating field and has an auto focus. The camera can be controlled via an infrared remote control or from a control panel located on the wall in the non-sterile area. To advance process optimization in the OR, the work of both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist during the procedure needs to be enhanced. An integrated camera that can transmit its video signal directly to the anesthesiologist's hemodynamic monitor provides such support. If the monitor is a Kappa XLT, the video image from the camera is directly accessible at his workplace. In addition to seeing the patient's traditional vital signs, the anesthesiologist can also view the images from the camera as picture-in-picture.

Others wishing to observe the operation for e.g. learning purposes can continue to do so via a monitor that is likewise attached to the central axis.

The one-chip camera is based on a Sony module and transmits fixed and moving images live and in color.

About Dräger Medical:

Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of medical devices, the largest division of Drägerwerk AG (history dates back to 1889) and a 65:35 joint venture company between Drägerwerk AG and Siemens AG. The global Company offers products, services and integrated CareArea™ Solutions throughout the patient care process – Emergency Care, Perioperative Care, Critical Care, Perinatal Care and Home Care. With headquarters in Lübeck, Germany, Dräger Medical employs nearly 6,000 people worldwide.

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