FTIR 8400/8900 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer

Discover the Advantages of the FTIR 8400/8900 

Shimadzu was the first company to offer dynamic auto-alignment as a standard feature in an FTIR spectrometer in its’ price range. With state-of-the-art technology, the Shimadzu dynamic alignment system continuously maintains optimal alignment during data acquisition, ensuring consistently reproducible spectra without the need for tedious mechanical adjustments. 

The Signal-to-Noise Advantage

Unprecedented S/N for an FTIR in its price-class; peak-to-peak S/N is 20,000:1 or better, guaranteed !

The Dynamic Alignment Advantage 

Optimal interferometer alignment is maintained automatically for continuous optimization and exceptional reproducibility.

The Validation Advantage

The software validates instrument performance to ensure compliance. Shimadzu’s unique GLP window permanently records all scan parameters and data manipulation events with each acquired spectrum. 

The Simplicity Advantage

New FTIR operators will love the quick-start function that prompts the user through every action from setting scan parameters and acquiring the spectrum, to detecting peaks and printing the results. 

The Hyper-IR Advantage 

The powerful Hyper-IR software offers a myriad of standard data processing functions. Tailor the software to fit your application with the comprehensive choice of expansion modules and easy, convenient customization of the tool bar and tool box.

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