
Open FET Sensor – Extremely low leakage current Open-Gate Junction FET Electrometer

The Open FET sensor is a field-effect-based sensor in which the gate electrode is connected only to the signal to be measured and not as usual to other electronic components. It offers the possibility to measure small voltages at extremely high impedance. It is robust and versatile. For example, it can be used in scanning force and scanning tunneling microscopy or as an electrometer. Due to the simple construction, which does not require any further electronic circuitry, it is inexpensive and simple to manufacture. A German patent application was filed, international applications are still possible.
On behalf of the University of Duisburg-Essen, we offer interested companies the opportunity to license and further develop the technology.

Endoskop-Sonde für zahnmedizinische Anwendungen

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung mit der man den Furkationsbereich der Zahnwurzel untersuchen kann. Dazu wird eine spiral gewundene Röhre mit Glasfaser und Spülrohr ausgestattet. So sind visuelle Informationen aus dem Furkationsbereich übertragbar. Weiterhin kann durch das Spülrohr mit Wasser der zu sichtende Bereich gesäubert werden.

WiMDaD Wire Mesh Damage Detection – Comprehensive damage detection in composite materials

Composite materials are nowadys used in many technical fields. Blades of wind power plants or aircraft parts, for example, are made out of these materials. In order to detect possible cracks or fractures, however, an immense effort is necessary. Conventional methods of material testing such as ultrasound, X-ray or thermography are very time-consuming, if they are possible to employ whatsoever. Other methods such as the use of strain gauges or glass fiber based systems can take measurements permanently, but they can only indirectly detect a fracture in the material. The invention is a novel, continuous measuring method, which is also suitable in particular for large-area applications such as, for example, wind turbine blades. The sensor consists of a braid of wires whose breaking behavior corresponds to that of the fibers in the composite material. The crossing points are connected via diodes. An electronic evaluation unit can switch between electrical paths through specific diodes so that the defective part can be identified in the breaking event.

Innovative method of protein production – increasing production yield by more than 50 %

The production of recombinant proteins is a multi-billion dollar industry. In order to lower production costs, companies are very active in developing methods for increasing protein yield. However, current techniques are cumbersome, time consuming and consequently relatively expensive.
An innovative method, invented by a scientist at RWTH Aachen, is now about to close this gap in biotechnology. Briefly, the retention time of any target RNA can be significantly increased, leading to a substantially enhanced protein production. The astonishingly straightforward method can be applied in a wide variety of industry branches in white, red and green biotechnology.

Effizientes Verfahren zur Ketten-Vervielfachung von ungesättigten Fettsäuren – Synthese ultralangkettiger Verbindungen

An der Universität Konstanz konnte in einem von der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung geförderten Projekt ein sehr effizientes, iteratives Verfahren entwickelt werden, durch beliebig mehrfache Verdoppelung von Fettsäuren langkettige bis insbesondere ultralangkettige, endständig funktionalisierte, rein aliphatische Verbindungen darzustellen. Endständig funktionalisierte langkettige aliphatische Verbindungen stellen wichtige Verbindungen in technischen und biologischen Systemen dar. Beispielsweise können aus den so erhaltenen ultralangkettigen Verbindungen nachfolgend hochschmelzende, wasserunlösliche Polymere erzeugt werden, die dann keine aromatischen Bausteine enthalten. Das Verfahren nutzt leicht verfügbare Edukte aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. Weder werden halogenhaltigen Stoffe benötigt noch fallen diese als Abfall an.

Tracy HyNi – Sensitive trace gas detection for hydrogen and nitrogen

Scientists of the Heinrich-Heine-University developed a rugged low-cost gas detector. The concept of detection based on the specific light emission of compounds excited electronically by an electric arc. The detection enables a wide range of measurments starting from pure gases down to gas traces (<1 ppm). Signals are achieved in tenths of seconds. At present, the invention is primarily concerned with monitoring operational states of fuel cells and appearing degradation processes in MEAs by detecting either nitrogen in the hydrogen flow or hydrogen within the cathode flow field. Granted US Patent und EP patent application, DE application for hydrogen detection. On behalf of the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, PROvendis offers interested companies the opportunity to obtain a licence for using the presented technology or for continuing the development of the method.

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