
3D-TAM – A 3D-Printed Biomimetic Tumour Angiogenesis Model

The present invention describes a novel 3D-bioprinting process for the production of a three-dimensional, biomimetic tumour angiogenesis model (3D-TAM). In a first step, a supply channel covered by an endothelial cell layer is generated using the 3D-bioprinting process and in a second step, tumour cells are embedded into a surrounding hydrogel-matrix cell-suspension. Then, angiogenesis will start from the supply channel towards the tumour cells (which release angiogenic factors) leading to a vascularized and perfusable tumour.

Shuttle Vector – An Expression Vector for Gram(+) and Gram(-) Prokaryotes

The heterologous expression of genes in prokaryotes can be challenging, especially if the genes originate from a distant host or if the source is uncertain, such as a metagenomic expression library. Many vectors have been developed based on broad host range origins of replication, but these tend to focus on either gram(+) or gram(-) prokaryotes. This invention regards the construction of a completely synthetic expression vector, namely pPolyREPII, based on both the pBBR1 and pWV01 origin of replication.

Exceptional Plant – G6PDH isoenzyme-replacement technology

Scientists of the University of Muenster succeeded in turning a stress susceptible tobacco variety (Xanthi) into an exceptionally stress-tolerant plant using replacement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), the rate-limiting step of the oxidative pentose-phos¬phate pathway (OPPP) in the cytosol by a specially suited plastidic isoform.
The G6PDH isoenzyme-replacement technology is a promising tool to improve not only stress tolerance in general, but also biomass production, seed quality and energy density of agronomically important plants.


Im klinischen Alltag sind Hautdesinfektionen noch immer nicht standardisiert. Deshalb werden oft mehr Tupfer und Desinfektionsmittel verbraucht als nötig. Wissenschaftler der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen entwickelten ein Desinfektions-Set, welches eine unkomplizierte und standardisierte Hautdesinfektion ermöglicht.

Novel antibiotics

Staphylococcus aureus is a gram positive bacterium frequently occurring in nature. Over the years a resistant form developed which is known as MRSA – methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA can cause severe problems especially in immune compromised patients. The antibiotic of choice to treat these infections was vancomycin. But since resistance to vancomycin has also been observed as well as the development of multiple resistances the application of the recently used antibiotics is increasingly limited. Novel active substances are provided. Their application will overcome resistance mechanisms based on genetic variability because they show a different mode of action.

Novel enzyme inhibitors for the treatment of aggressive forms of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Some forms are very aggressive due to their invasive growth and the high frequency of metastases. Treatment is extremely difficult and costly, especially when highly specific antibodies are applied. Two enzymes play a major role in the development of tumors – HER2 and Brk. Enzyme inhibitors developed so far only inhibit HER2. The effectiveness is however limited since resistance has developed due to mutations in HER2. Novel substances are provided which selectively inhibit HER2 and/or Brk. The application of these substances allows addressing three important processes concurrently: the receptor mediated tumor growth, the inhibition of apoptosis, and metastasis.

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