The invention offers an autoantibody set that can be used as a diagnostic tool for diagnosis and stratification of colorectal cancer patients.
Mit Hilfe der Erfindung können Hüftendoprothesen bei Revisionsverfahren gewebeschonend vom Knochen/Knochenzement gelöst werden.
Congestion occurs in packet-based communication networks when more traffic temporarily enters a network than can be forwarded. Congestion management detects congestion in a communication network and drops or marks packets to mitigate congestion. Still, a few heavy users can monopolize the bandwidth of a bottleneck link, e.g., by opening many flows or using non-responsive transport protocols to send at large data rate. A challenge is to drop or mark the right packets if fair capacity sharing and low delay are desired in a network.
We propose activity-based congestion management (ABC), with which users can share a networks capacity fairly within an ABC domain while keeping packet delays low. To that end, activity meters and markers equip user traffic with activity information that reflects a users traffic rate. In case of congestion, traffic with high activity is preferentially dropped on bottleneck links. Thereby, users can achieve a fair share of the networks transmission capacity.
Low delay is achieved by leveraging active queue management (AQM) in routers or switches that start dropping traffic in case of congestion to avoid extensive, permanent packet queueing. ABC-AQM is a modification of a normal AQM that increases drop probabilities for high-activity traffic and decreases them for low-activity traffic. The mechanism is easily adaptable to various AQMs.
BaBeDa is a passive energy self-sufficient data logger for detection and documentation of shock events. A piezoelectric element is used as an acceleration sensor, since it – depending on the magnitude of the acceleration – produces electrical signals during a shock. These electrical signals are used both as a measurement signal and as power source for the circuit, which stores the data concerning the shock event. BaBeDa can be used in particular for shock detection in shipping. In the packing stations and logistics centers each BaBeDa chip can be read out to determine whether a packet was transported properly or not.
For this purpose BaBeDa can already be integrated into a packing during its production. Multiple usage is possible. Since BaBeDa is energy self-sufficient, there are no restrictions on the use of time. Because of the simple technique BaBeDa is compact, suitable for mass production and therefore also very cost effective.
A German patent application has been filed at the DPMA. On behalf of the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, we offer the opportunity of licensing and further development of the technology to interested companies.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von endlosfaserverstärkten Matrixwerkstoffen, die zur Versteifung von Strukturbauteilen in der Automobil- und Luftfahrtbranche sowie bei Werkzeugmaschinen eingesetzt werden können.
Es geht um die Analyse gasförmiger Stoffe in Gasgemischen in der Medizintechnik, Sicherheitstechnik, Verfahrenstechnik usw. Auf diese Weise wird ein quantitativer Nachweis von geringen Konzentrationen (ppbv) von flüchtigen organischen Substanzen (VOCs) in Gasgemischen mit deutlich veränderlicher Zusammensetzung (z.B. 0 bis 90 % r.H., Sekundärsubstanzen 0 bis > 10 ppmv) durchgeführt.
Die Erfindung besteht in einem neuartigen Verfahren zum Betreiben eines „Ionentores mit drei Gittern“. Die elektrischen Ansteuerung wurde wesentlich verbessert, so dass langsame Ionen gegenüber schnellen Ionen nicht mehr „diskriminiert“, d.h. unterdrückt werden. Die Analyse erfolgt innerhalb von 2 Sekunden und benötigt keine Probenvortrennung oder -anreicherung.