A new generation of biocompatible and biodegradab le polymers for tissue engineering has been developed. The liquid precursors can be either cured in vivo or printed by additive manufacturing technology.
NeuNAc is used as a precursor for the production of neuraminidase inhibitors, which are used for the treatment of viral diseases. {e.g. drug Relenza). A new process was developed at the TU Vienna combining the advantage of a
single-step process and using the cheap and renewable substrate chitin.
The core of this invention is a combination of analytical and experimental methods, which allow a fast, cheap and easy way to identify different observable physiologic states in a BMP process.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Schneidperle für ein Sägeseil und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Sägeseils.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Flüssig- oder Feststoffsilikon in unvulkanisier-tem Zustand und ein Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von Flüssig- oder Fest-stoffsilikon im Spritzgussverfahren.
In nature and in agricultural ecosystems, plants are under constant threat by a wide range of harmful pathogens and pests, including bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, viruses and insect herbivores. Plants developed sophisticated strategies to perceive these attackers and to trigger effective immune responses.
We identified inositol pyrophosphates such as InsP7 and InsP8 as important co-factors of the plant jasmonate receptor (SCFCOI1) complex which triggers defences against necrotrophic fungi and insect herbivores. Here we present strategies for strengthening plant defences against these attackers by increasing inositol pyrophosphates (InsP7 and/or InsP8).