
Phospholipids against American foulbrood and European foulbrood in honeybees

New treatment concept against two devastating honeybee larval diseases, i.e., American and European foulbrood (AFB, EFB), based on the natural compound lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). LPC exhibits strong antibacterial activity against the causative agents of AFB and EFB and LPC supplementation to honeybee larvae was proven to reduce the outbreak of AFB significantly. The utilization of an LPC based therapy contributes to improve environmental sustainability in honeybee health and may offer new business perspectives in veterinary medicine.

Inhibitors of Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL) for the treatment of Diabetes II and tumour-induced cachexia

The University offers a new technology addressing at least the two markets of tumour-induced cachexia and diabetes type II. Cancer has become a constantly increasing problem and thus about 1 % of all people in highly developed countries are hit by cachexia, leading to approximately 9 million patients for Europe, Japan and the US. Furthermore, diabetes type II is one of the major lifestyle diseases in the modern world.

New Enzymes for production of aldehydes – Enzymatic alkene cleavage

The University offers an unprecedented enzyme that cleaves alkenes to the corresponding aldehydes at the expense of molecular oxygen. This mild and selective oxidation method has broad applicability either for the preparation of aldehyde intermediated or for the chemical production of aromatic essences and flavourings enabling a reduction of chemical solvents and cheaper production processes. The markets for using this enzyme are the fine chemicals and the aromatic/flavourings industries.

Overlap Fix – High performance textile structures for composites through open reed weaving

Inventors of the RWTH Aachen University filed a patent relating the production of the multiaxial enforcement fabrics for textile composites with ORW (Open Reed Weave). To avoid load path interruptions in composites with textile enforcement, an overlapping of two yarn systems in the textile, by means of a special weaving pattern, leads to continuous load path in bias direction, reaching a “Triaxial” fabric, which is the main approach of the investigation. The Angle of additional reinforcement direction is adjustable and the calculated necessary overlapping is 16.28 mm length.
The system´s capability was verified by conducting three-point bending tests. These are performed varying the overlapping length, testing carbon and glass fibers and using reference samples as follows: [0/90°] fabrics and [0/90/45°] fabrics with continuous reinforcement. The results were successful in all cases. PROvendis offers licenses for interested enterprises on behalf of the University of Aachen.

Humanisierter anti-CCR2 Antikörper zur Therapy von MS und RA

Wissenschaftler der Universität Göttingen und der Universität Regensburg haben gemeinsamhaben gemeinsam einen anti-CCR2 Antikörper zur Therapie von Multiplen Sklerose (MS) und Rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) entwickelt. Der Spitzenantikörper wurde in Kollaboration mit dem MRC Technologies humanisiert. Er bindet CCR2 Rezeptoren und moduliert die Immunantwort durch die Depletierung von CCR2+ Monozyten.

MagnetWeft – Magnetic Weft Insertion in weaving machines

The object of the invention was hence to develop a weaving method of weft insertion that combines the advantages of the common methods whilst avoiding their deficits. This will be achieved with a magnetic projectile which is used for the guided transport of the yarn. The projectile is moved through the open shed by magnets, which are mounted on a belt. The belt is located outside of the shed. Multiple projectiles can be used simultaneously to ensure a high efficiency of the weft insertion.
The magnetic weft insertion represents an energy-efficient alternative to the standard weft insertion methods. The fact that production velocities of yarns with challenging processing characteristics can be similar to the ones of standard yarns is certainly an advantage. In magnetic weft insertion no source of compressed air is necessary, a reduction of energy consumption of about 60 % compared to a conventional air jet weaving machine is to be achieved.

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