

Die Erfindung soll zur Nutzung auf Kumarin basierende Nickel-Dithiolen-Komplexe bereitstellen, um Quecksilber(II)-Ionen selektiv im Organismus nachzuweisen.
Basierend auf einem Ditholen-Liganden wurden Moleküle entwickelt, die zur Bestimmung von Schwermetallionen eingesetzt werden können. Erfindungsgemäß werden das Design, die Herstellung sowie die Eigenschaften eines auf Kumarin basierenden Nickel-Dithiolen-Komplexes beschrieben, der im Wellenbereich von ~960 nm arbeitet, eine hohe Selektivität und Sensitivität für Quecksilberionen selbst bei Anwesenheit von weiteren Metallionen (bspw. Ag+, Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Mg2+, Na+, Sn2+) aufweist und daher bereits bei einer einfachen UV/VIS-Spektroskopie zum Einsatz kommen kann.

Magnetisch aktuierbare Mikroobjekte

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen von Mikroobjekten, bei dem in einem Verfahrensschritt magnetische Mikropartikel durch ein magnetisches Template nach einem vorgegebenen Muster angeordnet und in eine Matrix eingebettet werden. Die Erfindung betrifft außerdem ein Mikroobjekt mit einer Matrix, in die magnetische Mikropartikel eingebettet sind.

Orthodontic Duplex Pliers – Intraorally applicable two-sided angled 3-prong pliers

In orthodontics, there is a multitude of intraoral devices and wires that can be activated by bending. However, due to restricted access, wire bending is often difficult if not impossible, especially in the palatine region and lingual of the mandible. Moreover, in many cases mirror-inverted pliers would be necessary for respective bending on the other side of the oral cavity. So far, there are no orthodontic pliers available, that enable ergonomic wire bending on both sides of the oral cavity. The present invention solves this problem by connecting the two handles with an olong hole system. According to the invention, the one-prong branch can be swiveled to the other side of the two-prong branch, thus allowing mirror-inverted application. A locking mechanism is activated when the pliers are closed to prevent accidental shifting of the branches. Another aspect of the invention is an convenient working angle between branches and handle, which facilitates intraoral application. A design model is available for demonstration.

SMA therapy approach – Down-regulation of NCALD in spinal muscular atrophy and diseases with a disturbed calcium homeostasis

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder based on the loss of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) genes. The severity of the disease is inversely correlated with the copy number of the main disease modifying gene SMN2.
In rare cases, siblings of SMA patients do not show SMA, although they carry exactly the same SMN1 and SMN2 gene status as their SMA affected relatives. So other genetic factors are able to fully protect homozygously SMN1-deleted individuals from developing SMA. The inventors found that this phenomenon might be caused by the overexpression of plastin 3, an actin-bundling protein, and/or low expression levels of the calcium sensing protein neurocalcin delta (NCALD). In vitro and in vivo studies show that inhibitors of neurocalcin delta (NCALD) are suitable for treating and preventing such disorders in a patient. Said inhibitors are, likewise, effective tools for in vitro neuronal differentiation and maturation, and restoration of impaired endocytosis.

450K methylation arrays for classification of brain tumor types

The method allows very consistent classification of tumor entities (especially brain tumor sub-types) by analyzing the methylation pattern of genome wide CpG positions.

Methods for a quantitative release of biotinylated peptides and proteins from streptavidin complexes

Biotinylated molecules, like proteins or peptides, DNA, RNA and PNA are quantitatively released from streptavidin complexes by adding a mixture of SX. After elution and removal of SX, e.g. by evaporation, the biotinylated molecules can be used for subsequent applications and analyses.

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