Drug development in the field of neurological diseases
The Idea
Our company has successfully been focusing on drug development in the field of neurological diseases. We give pharmaceutical companies the exceptional opportunity to cooperate in these projects with defined exclusive rights to commercialize the respective products.
The cooperation partners
Chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies
Venture capital firms, financing agencies, independent consultants, patent lawyers
Biomedical research institutions (medical centers, uni-versities, foundations)
The technology
We successfully apply protein-biochip based technology. Genomic analyses of protein interactions are used to identify new pharmaceutical targets or endogenous drugs to fill our product-pipeline.
The candidates
AIDS associated myelopathies, orphan drug status I.
- Status quo: Phase II completed, time to market probably in 2002, FDA admission expected shortly
- Total market volume: (AIDS associated myelopathies): In the US about € 30 million a year, with admission in Europe the market potential increases to about € 70 million a year
- Further information: About 40 percent of all AIDS patients develop neurological striking myelopathies as side effect of their immune deficiency syndrome. The HIV virus attacks the central nervous system. Because the protease inhibitors cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier of the central nervous system, the HIV virus is resistant to the protease inhibitors being the common medication of AIDS patients. The blood- brain barrier, however, is permeable to ODS I, because it is an endogenous substance, whose level of cerebrospinal fluid especially of AIDS patients with myelopathy is extremely lowered. ODS I is especially suited for comedication with protease-inhibitors to increase their effect.
Parkinson’s disease associated depression, orphan drug status II.
- Status quo: Phase I successful, phase II initiated, time to market probably in 2003
- Total market volume:(Parkinson’s disease associated Depression): In the US about € 100 million a year, with admission in Europe the market potential increases to about € 230 million a year
- Further information: ODS II is a substance reducing depressions of Parkinson patients. Depressions are a frequent side effect of the common treatment with L-DOPA. About 20 to 25 percent of the 500,000 to 1,000,000 Parkinson patients suffer from these side effects. ODS II, an endogenous substance, showed a similar efficiency in clinical studies of phase I, but better toleration as conventional antidepressants.
Stroke and cardiac infarcts
- Status quo: Preclinical studies
- Total market volume:€ 50 billion a year world-wide
- Further information:We own the patent for a new target to treat reperfusion damages of patients with stroke syndrome. Animal experiments have shown that a newly discovered endo-genous factor of brain tissue has an effect on this target and therefore dramatically increases the survival of nerve cells after oxygen deficiency.
- Status quo Functional characterization
- Total market volume:€ 1.4 billion a year world-wide
- Further information:We have identified a completely new class of channel proteins, being directly involved in the regulation of the membrane-resting potential.
Multiple sclerosis
- Status quo Preclinical studie
- Total market volume:€ 670 million a year world-wide
- Further information An endogenous factor of cerebrospinal fluid from multiple sclerosis patients blocks sodium channels of nerve fibres in a self-defence mechanism. In animal experiments the pro-tective effect on multiple sclerosis has been investigated.
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