Weltkongress der Neurologen in London

„Participating in the World Congress of Neurology really
gets you to the heart of what’s new in neurology“
said a US neurologist who will be one of around 5,000 delegates at the WCN next week (17-22 June



Here are just some of the topics for Press Conferences and anticipated highlights of the Congress:
Sunday 17 June, 5.30pm
o Opening Ceremony with presentations on global issues in neurology

Monday 18 June
o Urgent call for more neurologists. The UK has just over 350 neurologists – one for every 164,000 people, one of the lowest rates in the world
o Health inequalities between rich and poor
o Francis Collins, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, USA, will provide an update on the Human Genome Project
o WHO tackle emerging stroke epidemic in developing countries

Tuesday 19 June
o Genetic component to migraine is revealed
o Doctors provide clues to hangover headaches
o Nuns shed light on dementia

Wednesday 20 June
o What’s new in stem cell research; neurotransplantation in clinical practice
o BSE and CJD: new results on prion pathogenesis and a brave family tells their tragic story
o New electrical impulse therapy offer new way to control epilepsy

Thursday 21 June
o Lesioning versus stimulation: a revival of interest in surgery for Parkinson’s disease
o Treatment and services for people with multiple sclerosis
o Preventing accidents caused by sleepy or cognitively-impaired drivers

o Paralysed patients whose actions and emotions are locked in
o Botulinum toxin helps control excessive sweating
o Tongue acupuncture as a treatment for austism and stroke

And plenty more!


The Opening Ceremony and welcome reception – Earl’s Court 2, Sunday 17 June at 5.30pm. Dr James Toole, World Federation of Neurology will give the Presidential address.

Press Breakfast – Meet the Congress’s key players. Join us for breakfast on Monday 18 June at 9.00am in the Press Centre where representatives of the World Congress of Neurology, the Association of British Neurologists and the European Federation of Neurological Societies will give an overview of neurology: where we are now, where we are heading and what needs to be done and why.

Press conferences have been scheduled and spokesmen will be available to talk to you throughout the Congress.

Level 2, Earl’s Court Conference Centre

The Press Centre will provide journalists with abstracts, press releases, information, resources and expert opinion. It will be equipped with telephones, faxes, lines for internet access and so forth.

For all press enquiries including press registration, please contact

Elaine Snell
Tel +44 (0) 20 7738 0424 Press Centre 17 – 22 June ONLY
Fax +44 (0) 20 7978 4494 Tel: +44 (0)20 7244 3901
Fax: +44 (0)20 7244 3902

Email elaine.snell@which.net
Mobile/cell telephone – 07973 953794

Full details of the WCN and the Scientific Programme

We look forward to seeing you at the World Congress of Neurology

Elaine Snell
WCN Press Office

Media Contact

Dipl. Biol. Barbara Ritzert idw

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