The 2003 Stockholm Industry Water Award

Companies that have contributed to pollution elimination or reduced freshwater consumption through innovative programs, policies, processes or products now have the opportunity to be nominated for the prestigious Stockholm Industry Water Award.

Nominations will be accepted until February 28, 2003, from businesses and industries whose resources, competencies and experiences have helped to reduce the effects of the escalating world water crisis. The Stockholm Water Foundation presents the award in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

The award was founded to stimulate business contributions to sustainable water development and recognizes:

  • innovative corporate development of water and wastewater process technologies,
  • environmental improvement through improved performance in production processes,
  • new products or technologies, and
  • other significant corporate contributions to helping improve the world water situation.

The award will be presented in August 2003 during the World Water Week in Stockholm.

For nomination forms and criteria, contact SIWI, via e-mail at or visit

For more information, contact:

David Trouba, SIWI, +46-8-522 139 89
Stephanie Blenckner, SIWI, +46-8-522 139 72

About SIWI

The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), a scientific, technical and awareness-building organization, contributes to international efforts to combat the escalating global water crisis by facilitating research, raising understanding and stimulating action on world water issues. SIWI administers the Stockholm Water Prize, Stockholm Junior Water Prize, Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm Water Initiative, Stockholm Industry Water Award and Swedish Baltic Sea Water Award.

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