Real-time, Automatic Transcription of Phone Calls for Call Centers
The Heidelberg-based IT enterprise EML European Media Laboratory GmbH is again represented with a booth (hall 4, booth H13) at the CCW trade fair for telecommunication in Berlin from 24 February to February 2015. More than 7,000 visitors are expected at the fair.
EML speech technologists present their voice technology applications at the CCW which allow the real-time transcription of incoming customer calls into text. The recognized text can be further processed fast and easily.
The “EML Transcription Server” automatically converts incoming phone calls, speaker-independent and in real-time, into machine-searchable text. In a further step, the “EML Speech Mining Server” classifies the recognition results according to predefined categories, frequency of certain expressions and keywords and finally links the results. Real-time speech recognition facilitates the monitoring and efficient verification of conversation guidelines of call centers.
The automatic transcription allows an efficient, extended search for particular keywords. In conventional systems every new keyword search involves the reprocessing of all calls that is of all recorded audio data. “Advanced Keyword Spotting“ however finds keywords in the recognized texts as quickly as a search engine. The keywords can also be linked with each other. The phonetic search function can also find words that are not yet included in the speech recognition vocabulary, like for example unusual names.
Call center operators can furthermore adapt the speech recognition to their own application domains. With the launch of a new product, the adaptation process allows to easily add product descriptions or new keywords to the language model. This makes it possible to quickly recognize current issues or emerging trends. Another advantage of this customization is that “speech recognition and model adaption take place on the companies’ own premises which guarantees data protection,” says Dr. Siegfried Kunzmann, R&D manager at EML.
Voicemails: Reading is faster than Listening
EML’s speech technologists also demonstrate the “EML Voicemail2Text Service“ and the corresponding Android app for the automatic transcription of voicemails. This service is free of charge for private users. With the “EML Voicemail2Text Service” owners of a VoIP router, such as Fritz!Box, can receive an automatic transcription of incoming voicemails on their smartphones without additional installations on their router. They simply sign up at or use the „EML Voicemail App“ that can be downloaded for free at the Google Play Store.
24.02-26.02.2015: EML at the CCW, Berlin, Estrel Convention Center: Hall 4, booth H13.
EML European Media Laboratory GmbH:
EML European Media Laboratory GmbH was established as a private IT enterprise by Klaus Tschira, a co-founder of SAP. EML develops software and technologies in automatic speech processing. The main focus is on the automatic conversion of speech into text (transcription) which is used for telephone (speech analytics, voicemail) and mobile applications (voice texting, voice search).
Follow EML:
Twitter: @EMLvoice
Facebook: /EMLEuropeanMediaLaboratory
Youtube: /EMLVoiceMessaging
Google+: /+EMLVoicemailService
For further information, please contact
Dr. Peter Saueressig
Public Relations
EML European Media Laboratory GmbH
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35
D-69118 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-6221-533245
Media Contact
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