IWOTE’14 – Program flyer available for the international welding workshop
Increasing economic pressure and pursuit for resource-saving complex constructions generates a higher demand on the manufacturing, particularly welding and joining technologies.
A main goal of the last IWOTE has been the achievement of a profound understanding of the mechanisms that lead to thermal deformation and residual stresses and the development of strategies which prevent and control these effects.
Thereby the gathered knowledge and experience in welding, especially including the challenges of distortion prevention, has been joined with investigations of thermal forming which focuses on systematic usage of thermal induced deformations.
Recent years have seen further development and establishment of available material models, accumulated findings regarding the formation of distortion and residual stresses, improved measuring and analysis techniques as well as increase of usable computational power.
For the next IWOTE the focus shall be placed on mastery of welding distortion and specific use of thermally induced strains for thermal forming for sophisticated application oriented structures.
Who should attend?
Young scientists, senior researchers and industrial technology managers are invited to discuss latest results from basic and applied research in the fi eld of thermal induced shape changes, and to stimulate the diffusion of this knowledge into industrial application.
You will find the brand new program flyer here:
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Weitere Informationen:
http://www.bias.de/en/the-institute/iwote-14Alle Nachrichten aus der Kategorie: Seminare Workshops
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