Agent for optimizing fertilization media – Fetuin-B as an essential agent for in vitro fertilization

Fetuin-B is necessary for fertilization. Scientists of the RWTH Aachen University discovered, that this liver-derived plasma protein sustains fertility by inhibiting ovastacin, a cortical granula protease known to trigger zona pellucida (ZP) hardening. ZP hardening prevents sperm from binding to and penetrating the ZP.

Prior to gamete fusion, sperm are able to bind and penetrate the ZP. Upon fertilization ZP hardening occurs. But in vitro, ZP hardening regularly occurs even without sperm binding, thereby preventing fertilization. Women who cannot become pregnant naturally or who must not become pregnant at a specific time for medical reasons, e. g. cancer treatment, it is important to maintain the fertilizable state of an isolates oocyte. Experiments demonstrate that Fetuin-B plays an important role in the maturation of oocytes: It prevents premature hardening of ZP of oocytes after their isolation from a female body. The invention offers a solution to the problem of premature ZP hardening, i.e. adding Fetuin-B to fertilization media for in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. Addition of Fetuin-B to such media will maintain fertility of oocytes after isolation from a woman and during preservation in a fertilizable stage for future processing and use.

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