DualMode switch: Broad band switch for dual-mode applications

In conventional dual-mode circuitry both signal lines are just switched by the PIN-diodes. The novel dual-mode switches, which were developed in the department of electronics at the University of Applied Sciences Aachen, exploit the advantages of symmetry in dualmode circuitry to reach a significantly higher isolation in the OFF-state, maintaining the same good values of transmission in the ON-state. Two embodiments of the duadualMode-switches were developed: the X-switch and the Z-switch. The main advantage of the X-switch is that in the ONstate the current does not flow through the switching elements. Thus the specifications for the PIN-diodes concerning maximum power are very much lower. The Z-switch is a broadband switch which shows a strongly improved isolation in the complete frequency band compared to conventional switches. Concerning power it has the same demands to the PIN-diodes as conventional switches.

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