Scanning Aid for intraoral 3D-Scanner – Extraoral scans now also possible with intraoral scanning
The researchers led by Prof. Dr. med. dent. Sven Reich developed a scanning aid that replaces the conventional retaining-plate for the extra-oral scanning. The scanning aid now provides the intra-oral scanner a structure around the implant abutment. Thereby, the abutment can be extra-orally optically molded with an intra-oral scanner for the first time. The intra-oral data and the extra-orally gained records using the scanning aid are then fused together. For this end, the scientists have developed an own software.
The target of a much shorter course of treatment with a single session on the patient instead of two to four sessions is made possible by means of the scanning assistant, without the necessity of expensive laboratory scanners. This allows the much quicker method for both the doctor and the patient, and keeps a consistent quality with significant savings of financial resources.
A patent application has been filed at the European Patent Office. A functional prototype has been developed and tested with various available intra-oral scanners. The scanning assistant is the subject of further developments of the Department of Prosthodontics at the University Hospital of Aachen.
PROvendis offers on behalf of the University Hospital Aachen, licenses to the invention for interested companies.
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