SmartTrepan – Sensor Guided Trepanation system for safe and efficient craniotomy

Accidental dural tears in craniotomy significantly increase

infection risk and often complicate the surgical procedure. While some surgical tools attempt to address these problems, they do not completely prevent the tear of the dura mater. Both patients and surgeons require improved technologies and tools for craniotomy and bone surgery. Navigated online control of cutting depth A novel method and device for on-line detection of bone thickness and navigated trepan position control for effective protection of the dura mater in craniotomies has been developed at the Helmholtz-Institute of the RWTH Aachen University. The bone thickness is determined online at the cutting point and the cutting process can be controlled according to the surgery plan. The Smart Trepan system can be applied to a range of surgical procedures, including craniotomy, or shaping of bones for implants.

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Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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