Call for Paper – 3rd International Conference on Oxidation Technologies, May 2003, Germany

3rd International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Waste Water Treatment,
Goslar, Germany, 18 – 22 May 2003
Special Topic: AOP’s for Recycling and Reuse including Poster Presentation and Technical Exhibitions

Abstract Deadline: 30 September 2002

Based on the two quite successful International Conferences on “Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment”, CUTEC and the Technische Universität Clausthal plan for a third Conference, May 18 – 22, 2003 in Goslar, Germany, taking place during the widly known ACHEMA exhibition in Frankfurt, May 19 – 24, 2003.
The First Announcement and the Call for Papers is ready-made. The conference is also announced at the following web-site:
The Conference website is your source of up-to-date Conference information. Abstract submissions and registrations forms for downloading are here available. Links for Hotel Bookings are also offered. Those who provide CUTEC with an e-mail address will be advised when significant changes are made to the Conference website. Please send your e-mail address to:
It would be very kind of you, if you could pass on the information to possible interested colleagues.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact CUTEC.
We would be very happy to welcome you to this event.

All correspondence according to registration and organisation should be directed to:
Dr.-Ing. Britta Kragert
CUTEC-Institut GmbH
Leibnizstraße 21 + 23
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Phone + 49 53 23 / 933 208
Fax + 49 53 23 / 933 100

Media Contact

Dr. Britta Kragert idw

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