EARMA Annual Conference 2006
The 2006 EARMA Annual Conference will take place from 18 – 20 June 2006, at the Espace Congres of the Institut Pasteur in Paris. A reception will take place on the Sunday evening (18 June), followed by two days of presentations and workshops on the Monday and Tuesday.
The leading theme of the Conference is
Successful International Research Collaboration: The Changing Research Funding Climate in Europe.
There is a strong focus on the research management and support issues faced by European research and higher education institutions operating in the current environment. The forthcoming 7th Framework Programme, and its objectives, will feature prominently.
The European Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez Potoènik, will open our Conference with a pre-recorded message, to be followed by key note speeches from the head of the OECD Institutional Management in Higher Education Programme and the DG Research.
You will find further information on the program, venue, and accommodation as well as on Paris on our website http://www.earma.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=182&Itemid=170
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