Bayer Diagnostics

Making a positive difference to human health

About Bayer Diagnostics

Bayer Diagnostics is one of the largest and fastest growing medical diagnostics businesses in the world. Eight thousand employees touch the lives of five million patients daily in more than 100 countries worldwide. Bayer designs, manufactures and markets clinical diagnostics systems for the major industry markets of Self-Testing, Near Patient Testing (Point-of-Care and Critical Care), Laboratory Testing, and Nucleic Acid Diagnostics. The company has more than 50 branch offices, seven major manufacturing plants, and an extensive global distribution network. Bayer Diagnostics is a part of the worldwide Bayer Group, a $29 billion international life sciences, polymers and specialty chemicals group based in Leverkusen, Germany. Bayer Corporation is the name of the Bayer Group’s U.S. operations.

Innovation Through Research And Development

Each year the Bayer Corporation directs well over one billion dollars to healthcare research and development. Backed by the vast resources of our parent company and driven by a dedication to detect, monitor and manage disease ever more effectively, Bayer Diagnostics has compiled a lengthy history of technological firsts, including setting new diagnostic standards in diabetes, and introducing the world’s first automated instrument for clinical chemistry.

Today, Bayer continues at the innovative edge of process and product development. We are improving diagnostic speed and precision through advances in software, chemistry, automation and electronic systems. Through our integration with Chiron Diagnostics, we are bringing new molecular diagnostics technology to the healthcare market, a breakthrough that will significantly benefit patients with hepatitis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Bayer product development is informed, as well, by the work of the Bayer Reference Testing Laboratory (BRTL). The BRTL is a licensed clinical laboratory that conducts clinical testing utilizing technology developed at Bayer Diagnostics.

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