Vestas receives large orders in Spain
The Vestas Group has received three orders for a total of 101.4 MW to the Spanish market. The orders have a total value to Vestas of approximately mEUR 100.
Randers, 3 December 2004
30 units of V82-1.65 MW turbines for the Belchite project
The order for 30 units of V82-1.65 MW turbines has been awarded by Genesa, S.L., which is owned by the Spanish utility Hidrocantábrico, S.A. The turnkey project will be commissioned in 2005 and will be located near Zaragoza in the Aragón region. Furthermore, Vestas has signed a frame agreement with Hidrocantábrico, S.A. for the supply of 152 MW within the coming two and half years. The frame agreement is split into several projects.
20 units of V82-1.65 MW turbines for the Sierra de la Olivia project
The order for 20 units of V82-1.65 MW turbines has been awarded by Enel Unión Fenosa Renovables, S.A. for delivery in 2005. The project will be located in Albacete, in the Castilla La Mancha region.
Enel Unión Fenosa Renovables, S.A. is a company formed by the merger between the utilities ENEL and Unión Fenosa.
6 units of V82-1.65 MW turbines and 6 units of NM72-1.5 MW turbines for the Sotonera project
The order for 12 turbines for the Sotonera project has been awarded by Parque Eólico La Sotonera, S.L., which is owned by Genesa, S.L., Sufi, S.A. and the Diputación General de Aragón (local government). The turnkey project will be commissioned in 2005 and will be located in Huesca in the Aragón region.
“Vestas has received a number of large orders for the Spanish market during the autumn of 2004”, says Svend Sigaard, President and CEO of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, and continues: “The three latest orders confirm Vestas’ positive expectations to this market, and Vestas’ expectations to an increasing market share in Spain”.
The above orders do not affect the Vestas Group’s expectations for 2004 and 2005, cf. Stock exchange announcement No. 45/2004 of 26 November 2004.
Any questions may be addressed to the Executive Management at Vestas Wind Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.
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