SVOX Posts Record Revenues in 2005, Promises Innovation Offensive in 2006

15. Februar 2006

Significant revenue and profit growth prompt launch of “Innovations 2006”, a roll-out of major product and process innovations. Firm to kick-off first in series of product launches at CeBIT 2006 (Hall 11, Stand D35)

SVOX Ltd., the Zurich-based specialist in embedded speech output solutions, today announced its 2005 financial results. The company recorded a 50% jump in revenue in the first half of the year when compared to the same point in the previous year. Moreover, in the second half of 2005, growth continued to accelerate, outpacing the already impressive rates posted in Q1 and Q2 of 2005. These financial results, which are entirely the result of organic growth, position SVOX well ahead of its industry peers.

“Our strategy of focusing on speech output solutions for the automotive and mobile device industries has proven very successful,” said Volker Jantzen, SVOX CEO. “We would like to thank our customers for their trust and their business, which are the foundation of our revenue growth of over 80% from 2004 to 2005.”

To sustain the pace of current revenue growth and to secure its leadership in the text-to-speech market segment, SVOX is making significant investments in product and service development. The company has announced plans to add 10 new staff members to its R&D and customer integration teams to ensure that it continues to exceed customer expectations and needs.

"As an established specialist in embedded text-to-speech, SVOX strives to deliver innovative and high quality products and services,” explained Dr. Martin Reber, SVOX director of embedded solutions. “’Innovations 2006’ underlines our commitment to delivering best-of-breed product and process innovations to address the particular needs of automotive manufacturers and mobile device providers. Our expanded product portfolio will better enable them to integrate high quality speech solutions with their own products quickly and easily."

SVOX will unveil two product innovations at CeBIT 2006 during “ICT in Motion”. To learn more about SVOX and its multilingual text-to-speech product portfolio, visit Booth D35 in Hall 11 at the event.


SVOX AG is the leading provider of embedded speech output solutions for the automotive and mobile device industries. The SVOX Text-to-Speech system, the company’s signature product, is part of a full product suite of small, fast and multilingual applications that enable computers and other electronic devices to convert written text into natural-sounding and easily comprehensible speech. SVOX focus on embedded speech allows for specifically optimized solutions, and its software architecture provides customers with a speech engine that can be easily tailored to their technical requirements and market needs.

Phil Lichtenberg
Baslerstrasse 30
CH-8048 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 544 0649
Fax: +41 43 544 0621

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