Crown Prince inaugurates 950 Megawatt Al-Ezzel Power Plant

The project has been completed on a turnkey basis by Siemens Power Generation. The Siemens PG scope of supply has comprised mainly out of four SGT5-2000E gas turbines and two steam turbine generator sets.

The Al Ezzel power plant is located on the isle of Muharraq, north east of Bahrain’s capital Manama. The project was initiated by the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and awarded under a transparent competitive bidding process. The EPC (erection, procurement, construction) contract, with an ambitious delivery period of 29 months, was placed in November 2004 and completed on time by Siemens last month.

Al Ezzel is the first new Siemens power plant in Bahrain in nearly 25 years. It was built in two phases, with Phase 1, which delivered 470 MW during the summer peak of 2006 and Phase 2 delivering an additional 480 MW. The plant is fired with natural gas and the electricity offtaker is the Ministry of Electricity and Water. The power plant will make an important contribution towards meeting the country’s growing power demand in an economic and environmentally compatible manner.

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