Dräger Medical meets the diverse Arabian demands
Many new hospitals are being built, often in cooperation with European or American healthcare providers (such as the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany), and funds are available for state-of-theart equipment.
Even the Middle Eastern healthcare market is heterogeneous, ranging from wealthy oil nations to poor, less developed countries, Dräger Medical’s wide raging portfolio of products, services and CareArea™ Solutions is meeting the diverse demands of the Arabian caregivers.
“With a proven track record in therapy for acute patient care, not only in anesthesia and ventilation but also in patient monitoring and information management, we are dedicated to support clinicians in their efforts to deliver better care while optimizing the clinical workflow,” says Michael Karsta, General Manager Direct Export at Dräger Medical.
The company is represented throughout the Middle East through exclusive dealers. In 2000, the company established a sales and service subsidiary in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The subsidiary, a 51:49 joint venture with IMD-International Medical Development, with offices in Riyadh, Damam and Jeddah, employs more than 70 people. In addition, Dräger Medical is present in Dubai with a Regional Support Center, originally opened in 1997, to support dealers in surrounding countries.
In a clear demonstration of commitment to the region, Dräger Medical expanded its presence in the region – just one week after the Arab Health 2006 – by moving its Regional Support Center to a new, larger office. Now located in the Dubai Healthcare City, the Center is also dedicated to offering Education & Training workshops for medical and nursing staff and Technical Service training for biomedical staff.
About Dräger Medical
Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of medical devices, the largest division of Drägerwerk AG (history dates back to 1889) and a 65:35 joint venture company between Drägerwerk AG and Siemens AG. The global Company offers products, services and integrated CareArea™ Solutions throughout the patient care process – Emergency Care, Perioperative Care, Critical Care, Perinatal Care and Home Care. With headquarters in Lübeck, Germany, Dräger Medical employs nearly 6,000 people worldwide.
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