One Web-based platform for critical and perioperative care

Innovian VF4 consists of Innovian Perioperative Care and Innovian Critical Care. Innovian Perioperative Care is an OR/Anesthesia information management system that covers scheduling, pre-op, induction, intra-op and PACU. Innovian Critical Care (the next release of ChartAssist®) is an ICU documentation system that provides full electronic patient charting, scoring and printed reports. Together, these solutions continually capture vital patient information from perioperative and critical care medical devices and clinical information systems, and integrate that data into one easy-to-navigate interface.

With Innovian VF4, Dräger Medical now offers one patient information platform for both care areas. As a result, clinicians can see the patient’s entire episode of care from perioperative to critical care and vice versa. And because the platform is Web-based, clinicians can access this patient information anywhere via the hospital intranet – regardless of location.

Innovian VF4 supports Pick and Go® technology, so information collected by Infinity® monitors during patient transfer is automatically backfilled into the Innovian database. In addition, because it is built on open standards, Innovian VF4 supports HL7 interfaces to the hospital information system.

About Dräger Medical:

Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of medical devices, the largest division of Drägerwerk AG (history dates back to 1889) and a 65:35 joint venture company between Drägerwerk AG and Siemens AG. The global Company offers products, services and integrated CareArea™ Solutions throughout the patient care process – Emergency Care, Perioperative Care, Critical Care, Perinatal Care and Home Care. With headquarters in Lübeck, Germany, Dräger Medical employs nearly 6,000 people worldwide.

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